Мой Виртуальный Музей
Немецкий технический музей
1. Bingola 1. Bing, Nurnberg um 1928
Детский граммофон
Различные компании, включая производителя игрушек Bing, производили граммофоны для детей из раскрашенного металла. С этих пор звуки сказок и колыбельных заполнили детские комнаты. Сейчас эти машины встречаются реже, чем их большие собраться с «рогом»
Фото 25 марта 2015 года
2. Солнечные часы в форме глобуса. Около 1900
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3. Raketentriebwerk HWK 109-509
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4. Sternchen 57/69TT
Портативное радио
VEB Stern Radio Sonneberg, Thuringen, 1963
Первое портативное радио в ГДР
In 1959, the Sternchen was presented at the Leipzig trade show as the first transistor radio from the GDR. It was greatly sought after but cost a stately 195 GDR-Marks
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5. Витрины Технического музея в Берлине
Раздел железных дорог, 1930-е годы
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6. Nacht-Sextant, um 1900
Hersteller: L.J. Harri, Amsterdam
Dieser Sextant ist mit starkeren Fernglasern ausgerustet, um Nachts auch eine schwach sichtbare Horizontlinie und schwache Sterne anpeilen zu konnen
Mit Einfuhrung von Nonius und Ableselupe massen Sextanten um 1800 bis zu 1/60 Grad (eine Bogenminute) genau. Nonius ist eine zweite Skala zum Ablesen von Bruchteilen eines Grades
Erworben aus Mitteln der Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin
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7. Plakat ALA, Berlin, 1912
Allgemeine Luftfahrt-Ausstellung (Авиасалон в Берлине)
1912 fand in Berlin die Allgemeine Luftfahrt-Ausstellung statt, eine Leistungsschau der deutschen Flugtechnik. Alle bekannten Flugzeugwerke der damaligen Zeit waren auf ihr vertreten
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8. Local receiver OE 333; Loewe, Berlin 1936
In 1926 Manfred von Ardenne (1901 – 1997) developed the 3NF multi-functional tube in Loewe laboratory. At 39.50 Reichsmark the OE 333 was one third as expensive as conventional local receivers. The high prices could be traced back to Telefunken’s monopoly. A licensing fee had to be paid for every tube used in any receiver
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9. Tube radio Ideal VII; Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin 1928
When on, the blue coloured “ampladyn” tubed radiate a conspicuously blue light. The origins of the company name, however,came from elsewhere: In the 1920s. all headphones leaving the Ideal Werke AG production line were marked with a blue dot (“Blaupunkt”) after being quality controlled
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10. Portable radio Sternchen 57/69TT
VEB Stern Radio Sonneberg, Thuringen 1963
In 1959, the Sternhen was presented at the Leipzig trade show as the first transistor radio from the GDR. It was greatly sought after but cost a stately 195 GDR-Marks
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11. Portable pointer telegraph
Siemens & Halske, Berlin 1947
In 1847, Werner Siemens (1816-1892) und Georg Halske (1814-1890) founded the Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske in Berlin. The first workshop was located in the immediate vicinity of today’s Deutsches Technikmuseum. The company’s founding was based on a technically improved version of the pointer telegraph
Siemens used a “Wagner’s Hammer” to synchronize the transmitting and receiving devices. This electromagnetic self-breaker is operated magnetically and works independently. When a letter key is pressed at the transmitting device, enough current pulses are automatically delivered until the pointer on the receiving device lands in the same position. Only one conductor wire was necessary for the transmission
The Siemens pointer telegraph was first utilized for the Berlin - Frankfurt a. M. railway line in 1848
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12. Portable radio Puck 1151.7
VEB Funkwerk Halle, Halle 1963 – 1967
This handy portable radio could be used anywhere/ It also included a cord to plug into the mains in order to save the batteries
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13. Pointer telegraph. Transmitter and receiver
Ducretet, Frankreich 1870
The design of the pointer telegraph resembles that of the Louis Breguet’s (1804 – 1883) apparatus that was used on most of France’s railway lines. These devices seem to have been built for demonstration purposes. By turning the transmitter’s crank? Small bursts of current are triggered at the receiver whereby a pointer indicates the intended letter
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14. Condenser microphone. Neumann Flasche and receiver
Neumann, Berlin, 1930
Between 1928 and 1945 the «Neumann Flasche (bottle)» was standard equipment in a studio. Even today professional sound studios are equipped with microphones from this company, which is still headquatered in Berlin
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15. Phonograph. GEM model B
National Phonograph Company, USA, 1905
This machine cost only 7.50 dollars. It was among the most inexpensive and popular models in the extensive Edison product range
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16. Gramophone
Trade Mark Grammophon, England, 1898
The introduction if the spring mechanism finally allowed people to sit back and enjoy the music. Previously, you had to incessantly turn a crank handle to keep the turntable turning
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17. Key telephone set for 25 extension
Siemens & Halske, Berlin, 1913
Siemens & Halske designed this key telephone set in the run-up to the introduction of an automatic dialing method. It interconnected 25 extensions. By dialing a specific number, each of the separate extensions could be reached. The red button set off the ring
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18. Desk telephone, 62/256
L.M. Ericsson & Co., Schweden, 1895
On permanent loan from: Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
Because of its idiosyncratic and leggy shape this model from Ericsson was nicknamed the “spider telephone”
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18. Desk telephone Skelett
L.M. Ericsson & Co., Schweden, 1892
By virtue of its solid yet striking design, the “Skelett” became one of the most popular models at the turn-of-the-century. Richly decorated models were available to wealthy clients. The aesthetically curved cradle became the trademark of the Swedish company that even today is still a leader in the development of communication equipment
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19. Public telephone ÖKartTel Nike EG
Siemens, Berlin, 1998
The telephone card was introduced in 1989. The backside of the card was printed with pictures or adverts that led to them becoming collectors’ items
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20. Children’s telephone
Circa 1900
Telephones were popular toys as early as the beginning of the 20th century
Фото 25 марта 2015 года
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